Well, word's out. Stephen looked at the envelope. Our initial intention was to not find out our baby's gender. So the day of the ultrasound, the technician wrote it down on a piece of paper and put it in an envelope. We said we were going to let the biggest bidder have the envelope. That didn't last too long. Stephen had the envelope in his "super secret drawer" (which by the way, I showed to him when we got our bedroom furniture) and he was SURE no one would find the drawer after that... but it defeats the purpose when he tries to hide things from me because I am the one who showed him the drawer in the first place. Anyway, he put it there and one night as he was finishing up reading a bedtime story to my tummy (this has become a bedtime ritual), I smarted off to him and just said "if you want to know just look!"... and he did (disappointment). He just couldn't take it anymore. So two whole months after NOT opening the envelope and NOT knowing what Baby G will be (Harper or Brooks), Stephen knows for sure. However, I still don't want to know and he isn't going to tell. Although, he has slipped up several times and said "He ______" and since I have thought this whole time that he was a he... it just makes me even MORE sure. And then he tries to play it off like he only said he because I have always said he.
So that's about all that has been going on in the Garvin Household. Just still trying to complete the nursery... it's so dang hard though cause I don't want to make it TOO boyish or TOO girlish. We have about 10 weeks left... so it's probably a good idea to finish the room.